Fount Solutions

As a result of advancements in application technology, ever-faster equipment and alcohol-free printing – printing inks, printing plates and printing press types work seamlessly together to produce the best results.

In view of the large variety of print media, colours, and dampening unit types, an optimised fountain solution additive is crucial for a hassle-free process. Machine, ink, water, paper, temperature and the legal requirements have a great influence on printing processes and thus, on the dampening solution concentrate.

We provide every machine type and its associated dampening system with the ideal dampening solution. We strive to ensure quality standards are met, while minimising paper waste.

Our dampening solutions are certified and are available starting at 10 kg canisters, 200kg barrel, right through to 1,000 kg IBC.

We guarantee a consistent pH of the damping circulation, which assures:

  • no negative build-up of the colour on the non-printing areas of the printing area
  • minimal corrosion of plates, blankets and printing cylinders
  • no dot gain
  • optimised plate running

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DC DruckChemie GmbH est votre partenaire privilégié pour les colles de haute performance.

Offset Blankets

Un process d'impression stable et de haute qualité dépend de nombreux paramètres. L'un des facteurs déterminants est le choix du bon blanchet offset.

Printing Aids

DC DruckChemie propose une large gamme d'aides à l'impression. Nos produits ne donnent pas seulement à votre impression un aspect parfait, mais ils peuvent également augmenter votre productivité en réduisant les temps d'arrêt.


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